A financial brochure that will help you fall in love, instead of into a coma.

Our copywriters love a challenge. ‘Condense our 40-page website into 10 pages.’ ‘Turn our two-page brand manifesto into a two-word tagline.’ ‘Eat this doughnut without licking your lips.’

So, when our friends at Luminosity asked us to write a brochure that would help people fall in love with financial planning, instead of into a coma, we were all in.

Partly because our copywriters had already helped Capital Partners (the client) define their brand voice and messaging.

Partly because we’d already written the Capital Partners website.

But mainly because we knew we’d be able do something a bit smarter, a bit more sophisticated, a bit different.

Did we succeed?

You tell us.

Click to read the brochure.

Click to read the brochure.

Do you want a capability brochure that people might actually read?

Then contact our copywriters in Perth. We write brochures all the time. And while they might not all be as progressive as this one, if you give us a good brief and trust us to develop a compelling brand voice, we can help you hit the high notes like Capital Partners.