Simplifying a life-saving medical service for HIF’s members.

Client: HIF

The situation: HIF provides all sorts of added value through its private health insurance – extra benefits that mean HIF’s members across Australia get maximum bang for their health-cover bucks.

One of these benefits is called HIF Second Opinion, a great service that offers Gold and Premium members free access to the global Best Doctors network of leading medical specialists - medical experts who are on hand to offer a second opinion on any diagnosis or treatment plan for any condition.

It’s a BIG no-extra-cost benefit, so it’s important that eligible members know about it and take advantage of it whenever they like. And so the HIF team asked us to come up with a direct-mail flyer to promote HIF Second Opinion.

The work: With a clear brief from the HIF team, our copywriters drafted some copy for a 6pp flyer – we suggested a concertina format, so the story unfolds in a controlled and structured way.

As part of the process, we also suggested a range of headline options, with some ideas for pagination and call-outs, to help punctuate the story and draw attention to the key communication points.

The solution: The result is an easy-to-scan flyer that tells the HIF Second Opinion story in a straightforward way. It clearly communicates how and why this remarkable third-party service is available as an HIF-branded extension of members’ cover (easier said than done).

Take a look for yourself.

Click to view the artwork for the HIF Second Opinion direct mail flyer.

Click to view the artwork for the HIF Second Opinion direct mail flyer.